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Designing for College Students Under the Pandemic...

Group Project


Group Project


Current College Life

Under the pandemic, colleges across the nation have closed their campuses and dormitories, forcing students to leave their campus community, friends, classes and familiar routines. Coursework was quickly transitioned to online for the reminder of the year. Many students have lost their on-campus or local jobs, and likewise, the job search for seniors has been severely disrupted. 

Impact of Covid-19 on College Students

Common Stressors

According to one survey, out of the 195 students, 138 (71%) indicated increased stress and anxiety due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Multiple stressors were identified that contributed to the increased level of stress, anxiety and depressive thoughts among students.

Observation From Contextual Inquiry

Reddit Forum

I observed the threads relevant to students' opinions and feelings towards the pandemic under UCSD thread on Reddit forum, aiming to gain insights on students' feelings towards the pandemic, how they receive information, the protective measures they take, and issues they are facing currently. 

Co-habiting Observation

We conducted multiple co-habiting observation sessions on roommates we are living with, who are college students adapting to the new quarantined environment. We observed the protective measures they take on a regular basis and how they receive information regarding COVID-19. After that, a short follow-up inquiry on their experiences is conducted. 


In one of co-habiting observation, the stakeholder expresses "fatigue" in keeping up with pandemic-related information.

It's difficult for students to meet new connections and socialize under the pandemic.

Many students are at different levels of knowledge on protective measure and severity of the pandemic.

Opportunity Gap

Keep Informed

User Interview

We interviewed students living in three types of accommodations during quarantine: living on campus, living off-campus with other students, or living with family. By interviewing students in different accommodations, we wish to discover common struggles as well as understanding the unique needs of each group.

Students Remaining on Campus

Students Living Off Campus With Roommates

Students Living With Family

User Persona

Based upon the insights gathered from in-depth interviews, we developed two personas that represent the stakeholders and their specific painpoints.

Design Model

Relationship Model

To further understand out stakeholders, we choose the "Relationship Model" to showcase how different circles of relevant people affect the users in aspect of keeping themselves informed under quarantine. Three circles include family and close friends, peers, and school. People in these circles all have a personal relationship with the users and develop a different level of influence in the information user receives and their experience interacting with these information. By analyzing the relationships, we would have a deeper understanding in the sources of information that users are surrounded with, motivations behind actions and users' experiences on interacting with these variety of information.


Affinity Diagram

The affinity diagram is the first step we used to generalize our initial idea. As we put all users' data together, we integrated them into three more meaningful groups of ideas from which we came up our design ideas.



Alice is a first-year college student living on campus. During quarantine, she gets updates on Covid-19 information and resources from school emails.


Alice starts using an app that present the important information about covid-19 in a simple and clear way.


The important information is easily buried within the long and boring emails. Alice can't access these information easily.


Alice can easily find the information she needs without any confusion and efforts.

Sketches & Wireframes

High-fidelity Prototypes


Keep Connected


In our survey, we collected qualitative responses from 20 participants on how college students make new connections under pandemic and their experiences in communication virtually with others.

Type of School

Grade Level

Experiences in Making New Connections

Top Concerns on Connecting to Others

In-depth Interviews

We conducted 6 in-depth interviews in total to learn more about how college students are making new connections and their current experiences interacting with friends, classmates, and other peers.

1. How often do you meet new people virtually?

2. How is your experience communicating virtually?


3. Is your experience meeting people in-person different from being online? Why or why not?


Insights From Survey & Interviews

Other than form classes, it's hard to meet new people in midst of pandemic.

Interactions online feel not as natural as in-person interactions.

It's difficult to grasp social cues and facial expression in virtual communications.

Breakout rooms in Zoom are awkward and it's hard to have side conversation in a large group call.

Ideas Generated


Design Idea

After rounds of data consolidation and brainstorming, we decided to move on with the design idea of creating a virtual space (Library & Game Room) for college students to make new connections and interact with other peers virtually under the pandemic. 

Low-fidelity Prototypes

High-fidelity Prototypes

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